Monday, July 16, 2012

[Job] Job searching good advice list

1/ Prepare CV:
- Make your resume standout with better Job tittle
- 6 lỗi ko được phạm trong CV: 6 loi ko duoc pham
Edit resume in reallife
- 3 things never put on your resume
- 3 ways to make a stunning visual resume 
- Is there a gap growing in your resume
- 5 mistakes to avoid

- Recheck your resume: ho so tot

- Cách viết cover letter: cach viet cover letter noi bat

* Cách bảo mật hồ sơ online:

2/ Job Interview:
* Get interview advises from these 5 sites
- Làm gì khi được mời pva61n: chuan bi cho pvan
- Thái độ khi phỏng vấn: thai do khi tham gia pvan
- 9 tips to better interview, 9 great tips, 4 sales tricks
- 5 ways to make a better impression in Job Interview
- 6 things to do before a job interview
- Improve your selling charisma
- 6 questions to ask in a job interview
- How to answer the questions
- Overcome a bad character reference
[For hirer] 7 questions you should ask in the interview
- [For hirer] The right questions to ask when hiring
- 8 ways to seal the deal
- Nói về mức lương hiện tại: muc luong hien tai

- Exit interview: 7 things to share

3/ HR:
- Why HR department is unfair

4/ Office politics:
- How to win office politics
- Workplace bullies: what goes behind your back
- 7 types of ppl you shouldn't work with

5/ Work skills
- Show authority - without yelling
- 6 time-saving ways for handling emails
- 5 tips for avoiding typos in emails
- email mistakes to avoid
- becoming expert in any field
- Be nice
- Handle busy schedule

6/ Self improvement:
- The 10 things you should learn to say
- look to weakness to find your leadership strength
- How to react: HR to bathroom etiquette
- How to hire people like Warrent buffer

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